Derdine Derman

Derdine derman isteyen gelsün
Cânına cânân isteyen gelsün

Cânı terk ettik cânâna erdik
Vuslat-ı Rahman isteyen gelsün

Mektebimizdir mekteb-i Esmâ
İlm ile irfan isteyen gelsün

Geçtik yedi kat arzu-semayı
Sidreyi seyran isteyen gelsün

Canını kurban etmeye Sami
Emrine ferman isteyen gelsün

The One Who Seeks a Remedy for Grief

The one who seeks a remedy for grief should come
The one who longs for the Beloved should come

We abandoned this world and reached the Beloved
The one who wants union with the Rahman should come

Our school is the school of His Beautiful Names
The one who seeks knowledge and wisdom should come

We passed through the seven levels of earth and heavens
The one who desires the beauty of the Sidrah should come

Oh Sami, who is ready to sacrifice his life
He who is ready to obey the Greater Will should come