Ey Nübüvet Tahtının

Ey Nübüvvet tahtının şahi habib-i kibriyâ
Vey risalet evcinin mahi habib-i kibriyâ
Cilvegâhın kurb-i ev'ednâ makâmın lâ mekân
Kâbe kavseynin şehinşâhı habîb-i kibriyâ
Girdi zât-ı hakka hâil olmadı yüz bin hicâb
Kat idüp bir demde ol râhı habîb-i kibriyâ
Cürmü çok amma Zekâi şuphesiz mağfur olur
Dilese hakdan o gümrahı habîb-i kibriyâ

The Seal of the Prophets

O, the sultan of the prophethood throne, the beloved of the Great One,
And the light of the prophethood summit, the beloved of the Great One,

Your place of manifestation is closer than the closest, your station is the one where no place exists.
You are the greatest sultan of the state of closeness (referred in Kur’an as “the two bow lengths Najm-53/9”), O the beloved of the Great One,

You have entered the presence of Lord in person and hundred thousand veils haven’t even become a barrier for you
You have taken that journey within a moment, O the beloved of the Great One,

His sins are many, but without any doubt Zekai (ks) may be forgiven,
If the beloved of Allah asks for that lost one.