Lyrics Author:
Ey Garip Bülbül
Ey garip bülbül diyårın kandedir
Bir haber ver, gülizårın kandedir
Sen bu ilde kimseye yår olmadın
Var senin elbette yårin kandedir
Gökte uçarken yere indirdiler
Çâr anâsır bendlerine vurdular
Nur iken adın Niyåzi koydular
Şol ezelki itibårin kandedir
O Nightingale Forlorn
Oh desolate nightingale, where is your homeland?
Tell me, where does your rose garden grow?
In this world, you are no one’s beloved
You certainly have a Beloved; I wonder where that Beloved is.
You were taken down while you soared the heavens
You were chained and bound with the four elements
When your name was light, they called you Niyazi
Now, where is the glory you had in the past?