Lyrics Author: 

Li Hamseti

Lî hamsetün utfî bihâ

El Mustafâ ve'l-Murtezâ
Ve'bnâhümâ ve'l-Fâtıma

Yamen latifü lem yezel
Utfu binâ fi ma nezel

Entel kavi yüneccinâ
An kahrıke yevmel halel

The Five

There are five for me
Who cure the fire of hell

The Chosen (Resulullah), The Selected (Hz Ali), ra.
and the two Sons (Hd Hasan and Hd. Husayn) and Fatima (r.a.)

Ya Latifan lam yazal ultuf bina fima nazal
O Gentle Who remains for ever, be gentle to us in all that befalls us