Lyrics Author:
Biz Cerrahi Canlar
Biz Cerrahî canlarıyız, can veririz Hayder'e,
Hamse-i-âl-i-abaya, hem evlâd-ı Kevser'e,
Cân-ü başı fedâ kıldık ol fâtih-i Hayber'e,
Bende-i şâh-ı velâyetdir bizim ünvânımız,
Hazreti Hayder-i Kerrâr pîrimiz, sultânımız.
Aşkî eder Hasaney ne dâim arz-ı iftikar,
Çün bilir ki, sâkî-i Kevser'dir ol sahib vekar,
Lâ Fetâ illâ Alî, lâ seyfe illâ Zülfikar;
Bende-i şâh-ı velâyetdir bizim ünvânımız,
Hazreti Hayder-i Kerrâr pîrimiz, sultânımız.
We are Jerrahis
We are the Jerrahis, we give our lives for Haydar (Ali k.v)
To the five of the family of the cloak*, to the offspring of Kauther
We sacrificed our hearts and heads to the conqueror of Hayber
Our title is “servants to the Shah of Sainthood”
Our Pir, our sultan is Hazreti Hayder-i Kerrar**
Aski (ks) reveals his destitution to Hasan(ra)
Since he knows that him the dignified, is the distributor of Kauther (the river in Heaven)
There is no brave, only Ali; and there is no sword, only Zulfikar (name of Hz Ali’s sword)
Our title is “servants to the Shah of Sainthood”
Our Pir, our sultan is Hazreti Hayder-i Kerrar*
‘* Hamse-i Al-i Aba is the family of the cloak and they are Resulullah sav, Hz Ali kv, Hz Fatima ra, Hz Hasan ra, Hz Huseyin ra
** Hazreti Hayder-i Kerrar is one of Hz Ali’s names. Means His Excellency the brave and the one who keeps on fighting