Lyrics Author: 

Kadrim Ola

Kadrim ola berter şereri nâd-ı Ali’den
Nusrat bulayım dem be dem imdâd-ı Ali’den
Meydan-ı Muhabbetteki feryâd-ı Ali’den
Dü dide-i Zehra iki şehzâd-ı Ali’den

Evsaf-ı Ali oldu benim ma din-i kanım
Evlâd-ı ciğer paresidir câne cananım
Arif dil-i erbâb-ı Hâkikâtte mekânım
Bu nutk-u şerif oldu benim vird-i zebânım
Ya Rab beni dur eyleme evlâd’ı Ali’den

May it be my shield...

May it be my shield, the honor of praising Ali
May I find help each moment through the aid of Ali
From the outcry of Ali in the arena of love
From the two eyes of Zehra, the two sons of Ali

Ali’s attributes have become the core of my source
His dearest offspring is the beloved of my heart
Arif (ks) resides in the heart of the great people of Truth
This declamation has now become what I keep on saying
O Lord, do not keep me far from the offspring of Ali.