Lyrics Author: 

Hazret-i Hakk'ın Habîbi

Hazret-i Hakk'ın Habîbi sevgili bir tânesi
Olduğu çün oldu âlem hüsnünün dîvânesi

Zât-i pâkindir sebeb bu âlemin îcâdına
Olmasa teşrîfin olmazdı bu cihân kâşânesi

Yâ Resûlallah visâlin bezmine şâyeste kıl
Tâ gönül olsun şerâb-ı aşkının mestânesi

Âşıkın ancak murâdı Hazretinden kim ola
Âşinâ-yı bezm-i hâssın âlemin bîgânesi

Genc-i aşkın mahzeni olmuş Sezâî gâlibâ
Kim imâret istemez bu gönlümün vîrânesi

The Beloved of Allah

The Supreme’s beloved, the one and only
Creation became, and was in awe of you

Your pure self is the reason of all existence
It is in your honor that this world was created

Oh Resulallah bring us closer to your presence
Until this heart is drunk with the wine of your love

What more could a lover beg from his Sultan
Than to be only with those devoted to you

Sezai became the vault for love's treasure
He does not need to restore his heart’s ruins