Lyrics Author:
Cânu dilde fani kıldın âkıbet
Cânu dilde fani kıldın âkıbet
Sen beni divâne kıldın âkibet
Şol aşkın zincirin tarik eyleyüp
Sen beni divâne kıldın âkibet
Dâne iken bağı bostan eyledin
Dâneyi yüz tâne kıldın âkibet
Ey Fakirullah bu Hakkı bendeni
Vâsılı cânâne kıldın âkibet
Annihilated this life of mine in my heart
My life and heart, you made them fly
You made my mind lost, insane
You made the shackle of love my path
And you made me crazy, insane
From a seed, you made the barren land
into a garden
From one you made us many
Oh poor Fakirullah begs You:
Bid this poor creature
come to the door of the Beloved
***Reviewed by Baba