Lyrics Author:
Dil Beytini Pâk İden
Dil beytini pâk iden
Dervîşi ankâ iden
Âlem-i lâhûte giden
Mevlâ zikridir zikri
Zikirden hâlet alan
Âşinâ-yı rûh olan
Ukbâda devlet bulan
Mevlâ zikridir zikri
Terk ehline karışan
Hem zevkine erişen
Bahr-i ledünle görüşen
Mevlâ zikridir zikri
Âşıkların zikri Hû
Zikri Hû'dur fikri Hû
Vecde gelüb diye Hû
Mevlâ zikridir zikri
NÛREDDÎN'i diri kılan
Tevhîdle çerâğı yanan
Bihamdillah tevfîk olan
Mevlâ zikridir zikri
What Cleanses the Heart
What cleanses the heart, the house of God,
What transforms the dervish, phoenix from ashes
What takes one to the Creator’s realm
Is calling the Names of Allah
What transports one from state to state
What makes one meet the soul
What leads to treasure in the hereafter
Is remembering the Names of Allah
What makes us leave worldly pleasures
What allows us to find contentment
What reveals the secrets of Creation
Is remembering the Names of Allah
What is Hu? The state of lovers
What do lovers cry? Hu
What transports them? Hu
They remember the Names of Allah
What gives Nureddin eternal life
What keeps the flame of Unity alight
What bounties does the seeking heart receive
By uttering the Names of Allah