Lyrics Author: 

Ey Enbiyalar Serveri

Ey enbiyâlar serveri ey evliyâlar rehberi
Ey ins-ü cân peygamberi ehlen ve sehlen merhaba
Sen canların cânânısın dertlilerin dermânısın
Âlemlerin sultanısın ehlen ve sehlen merhaba
Allah-u Ekber şanehû sultanehû suphanehû
Kat ce-na burhanehû ehlen ve sehlen merhaba
Sensin mahbûbu Hûda itme sefaatden cûda
Ahmet Muhammed Mustafa ehlen ve seblen merhaba
Dervis Yunus soyler sozu dergaha surer yuzu
Severler mahşerde bizi ehlen ve sehlen merhaba

Oh Leader of the Prophets

Oh best (Leader) of the Prophets, Oh Guide of all Saints
Oh Prophet of both man and jinn, salaams to you (Welcome ) from the bottom of our hearts
You are the source for all souls, the solution to all problems
The sultan of all worlds, salaams to you from the bottom of our hearts
Allah the Great, the Blessed, The Sultan, the Glorious
You are proof of His existence, salaams to you from the bottom of our hearts
You are the Owner's beloved, don't deny us your intercession
*Ahmed Muhammad Mustafa,** salaams to you from the bottom of our hearts
Dervish Yunus speaks these words, in devotion to the dergah
We will be favored on Judgment day, salaams to you from the bottom of our hearts

in Terawi prayers:
* Sehri Ramazan / Holy Month of Ramadan
** Merhaba/(el Veda) / Welcome/(Fairwell)
