Lyrics Author:
Ravzana Çün Yüz Süren
Ravzana çün yüz süren bulur eman
El aman ey Fahri âlem el aman
Her gelen dil haste bulur taze can
El aman ey fahr-i âlem el aman
Mazhar olmak isteyip esrarına
Çünki geldik kabr-i pür envarına
Merhametle nazar kıl züvvarına
El aman ey fahr-i âlem el aman
Oldum aşkınla diyarımdan cüda
Ta duhül-i ravzana olam seza
Hamdulillah Hak nasib etti bana
El aman ey fahr-i âlem el aman
Anda kim medfun olan nazik tenin
Cennet-i Âlaya benzer medfenin
Derviş Abdullah garibindir senin
El aman ey fahr-i âlem el aman
The One who puts His Face on Your Tomb Will Find Iman
The one who bows at your tomb (your Garden) finds faith
O help, the Honour of universe, help
Each ill heart that comes to you, finds fresh soul
O help, the Honour of universe, help
To be the recipient of your secrets,
We have come to your tomb of pure lights
Bestow your gaze with mercy on your visitors
O help, the Honour of universe, help
With your love, I have left my land
Just to be worthy for the entrance of your garden
Praise be to Allah, He granted this to me
O help, the Honour of universe, help
In there, your gentle body is resting
And your tomb is like the highest level of heaven
Dervish Abdullah (ks) is poor for you
O help, the Honour of universe, help