Lyrics Author: 

Afvet Isyanim Benim

Affet isyanım benim, halim yaman Allahım (x2)
Refet nisyanım benim, meded aman Allahım
Halim yaman Sultanım (x2)

Defterim dolu siyan, amelim tekmil günah (x2)
Sensin kuluna penah, Meded aman Allahım
Halim yaman Sultanım (x2)

Ümmet et habibine, gönüller tabibine (x2)
Rahmeyle garibine, Meded aman Allahım
Halim yaman Sultanım (x2)

Aski’yi azad eyle, cemalinle şad eyle (x2)
Kulum diye yadeyle, Meded aman Allahim
Halim yaman sultanim (x2)

Forgive my Rebellion

Forgive my rebellion, my God, my state is disastrous (x2)
Annihilate my forgetfulness, Help! to be aware my Allah
O my Sultan, my state is disastrous (x2)

My book is fully black; my actions are all sins (x2)
You are the refuge for your servant, Help! to be aware my Allah
O my Sultan, my state is disastrous (x2)

Add me to the people of your Beloved, to the one who cures hearts (x2)
Have mercy on your poor servant,Help! to be aware my Allah
O my Sultan, my state is disastrous (x2)

Set Aski (ks) free; let him rejoice at your beauty
Call him “my servant”, Help! to be aware my Allah
O my Sultan, my state is disastrous (x2)