Lyrics Author:
Ey Habbibi Muhterem
Ey Habibi Muhterem lütfet şefaat kıl bize
Pür hatayız pür günahız rahm-ü şevkat kıl bize
Rahmet olsun şânını ıkrar iden müminlere
Ahü feryat eyleriz biz hasretindir gam bize
Beloved of the Esteemed*
O Beloved of the Esteemed* we beg your kindness, bless us with your intercession
We are full of mistakes and sins, bless us with your tender compassion
May those believers who acknowledge your glory, receive compassion
We scream and cry, longing for you is our grief
*Tugrul Efendim, while explaining this ilahi, mentioned that Habibi Muhterem can be perceived in two ways. It may mean the esteemed beloved. Or the beloved of the Esteemed One. So fakir, mentioned both meanings here.