Muhammed'dir Cemâl-i

Muhammed'dir cemâl-i Hakk'a mir'ât
Muhammed'den göründü kendi bi'z-zât

Muhammed'den vücûde geldi ekvân
Muhammed râî vü mer'î vü mir'ât

Göründü çün sıfat-ı bîçûn iken ol
Nice derk ide derrâk anı heyhât

Muhammed şerhidir enfüs ü âfâk
Anı cümle beyân eyler rivâyât

Sezâyî, cem olur Ahmed'de cümle
Ne kim vardır bidâyât ü nihâyât

Muhammad is the Mirror

Muhammad is the mirror of Allah’s face
It is through Muhammad that He revealed Himself

All of creation came to be through Muhammad
It is Muhammad the mirror who sees and is seen

God appeared with His attributes
That even the wisest cannot comprehend

Muhammad explains the internal and the external
Everything in creation is speaking of him

Sezai, know that all is gathered in Ahmed
Everything from the beginning until the end