Lyrics Author: 

Aşkınla Çak Olsa

Aşkınla çâk olsa bu ten
Ben yine İllallah direm
Yansa kül olsa bu beden
Ben yine İllallah direm

Eğer beni yandırsalar
Külüm göğe savursalar
Her âzamı ayırsalar
Ben yine İllallah direm

Bağrımda bitse başlarım
Çeşmimde aksa yaşlarım
Ah ü zâr olsa işlerim
Ben yine illallah direm

Seyyid Nızamoğlu eyle
Ceddiyle haşrolabile
Mümin müvahhidler ile
Ben yine İllallah direm

Even if this Flesh is Cut into Pieces

Even if this flesh is cut into pieces
I will always say Illallah
Even if this body burns into ashes,
I will always say Illallah

Even if they put me in fire,
And blow my ashes to the sky,
Even if they split my body apart
I will always say Illallah

Even if sadness filled my chest
And I shed tears from my eyes
Even if I find every adversity
I will always say Illallah

Let Seyyid Nizamoglu be
On the Day of Judgment, with his noble ancestors
With the faithful who believe in the One
I will always say Illallah