Lyrics Author: 

Urumda Acemde

Urumda acemde aşık olduğum
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2
Allahın Habibi dostum dediği
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

Sabah namazını kılar giderdi
Gizli cerabbine niyaz ederdi x2
Anın işi gücü deve güderdi
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

Bin deveyi bir akceye güderdi
Onunda nıfsını zekat ederdi x2
Develer bileşince tevhid ederdi
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

Elinde asası hurma dalından
Asla hata gelmez onun dilinden x2
Eyninde hırkası deve yününden
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

Yastığı taş idi döşeği postu
Cennetlik eylemek ümmeti kastı x2
Hakkın sevgilisi habibin dostu
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

Yunus eydürgelin bizde varalım
Ayağı tozuna yüzler sürelim x2
Hak nasib eylesin komşu olalım
Yemen ellerinde Veysel Karani x2

From the West to the East

From the West to the East, the one I loved most
Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen
The one Allah called ‘My Friend’
Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen

Leaving his house after morning prayer
He was constantly beseeching his Lord
Herding camels was his job
He was Uwais al-Qarani from the lands of Yemen

He would herd a thousand camels for a tiny silver coin
And from that pay his zakat
While gathering the camels making tawhid
He was Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen

Holding a date tree branch
Never did a harsh word escaped his lips
His cloak was made of sheep's wool
He was Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen

His pillow was of stone, his bed a humble sheepskin
All he wished was to help the people reach paradise
Beloved of God, friend of the Prophet
He was Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen

Yunus says, “Come, let’s approach him
bow in front of him
May Allah bless us so we become his neighbor in the hereafter
He was Uwais al-Qarani from the land of Yemen