Lyrics Author: 

Yüce Sultanım

Yüce Sultanım derde dermânım
Bedende cânım Hû dimek ister

Nakarat: Ey derde derman Ey Gani subhan

Alîmsin alîm bilirsin halim
Ağzımda dilim Hû dimek ister

Ali sırrında tevhid nûrunda
Mahşer yerinde Hû dimek ister

Yunus postunda gönül dostunda
Sırat üstünde Hû dimek ister

My Lord Most High

My Lord MostHigh, balm to my wounds
My life locked in flesh yearns for You

Repeat: Oh balm to my wounds, Oh Infinite Glory (*)

You know all, You know my state
My tongue in my mouth wishes to say "Hu" (*)

In secret of Ali, in the light of unity
On the day of judgement, I wish to say "Hu" (*)

Yunus, on his sheepskin, His heart with You
Even on Sirat, he wants to say "Hu" (*)


Yüce Sultanım (349)