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Bâde-i Lebinden Nûş Eden Aşık

Bade-i lebinden nuş eden aşık
Ne gezer mescitte meyhaneler var
Onun için kimseyle etmez ilişik
Nasibini almış divaneler var

Aşık olan aşk oduna alışır
Sadık olan erenlere karışır
Meyhaneden çıkar gelir ulaşır
Hakka vasıl olan mestaneler var

Hakkı gel sırrını eyleme zahir
Öyle bir yol tut ki olasın mahir
Harabat ehline hor bakma şakir
Defineye malik viraneler var

Lover Who Went Nush'd from His Lips

The lover who has taken his breath away from the mouth of his lips,
There are no taverns in the mosque,
That's why he doesn't have any relations with anyone,
There are madmen who have had their share

The one who is in love gets used to the firewood of love
The one who is loyal mixes with the saints
He comes out of the tavern and reaches God
There are those who reach God

Come to the truth, do not act out your secret,
Take a path that will make you a master,
Don't look down on the people of ruin, student.
There are ruins that own treasures.