Lyrics Author: 

Ali Almış Sancağını

Ali almış sancağını eline
Seğirdüp giderler mahşer yerine
Hasan'ı Hüseyn'i almış yanına
Ah ümmetim diye ağlar Muhammed

Kıyamet kopucak canlar uyanır
Derviş olan mürşidine dayanır
Yüzün yere koymuş Hakk'a yalvarır
Ah ümmetim diye ağlar Muhammed

Üryan olmuş yatar ol zaif tenler
Sararmış benizler söylemez diller
Mahşer yerine cem olmuş erenler
Ah ümmetim diye ağlar Muhammed

Kızım Fatıma'yi sana vereyim
Ben ümmetsiz cenneti n'eyleyim
Değmeyin bana tamuya gireyim
Ah ümmetim diye ağlar Muhammed

Yunus eydür gelin kadrin bilelim
Fırsat elde iken tevhîd idelim
Ruhu için çok salavat verelim
Ah ümmetim diye ağlar Muhammed

Ali Has Taken His Standard In His Hand

Ali has taken his standard (banner) in his hand
They draw and move to the assembly of judgment day
He has taken Hasan and Huseyin with him
“O my people!” cries, Muhammed

When the end of the world comes, all souls wake up
Whoever is a dervish, leans on his shaykh
His face down on the ground, prostrating, begging his Lord;
“O my people!” cries, Muhammed

Those weak bodies lay down naked
All grow pale, tongues can’t speak
In the assembly place, all saints come together
“O my people!” cries, Muhammed

Let me give You my daughter Fatima,
What do I do with heaven without my people?
Don’t hold me, let me go into hell.
“O my people!” cries, Muhammed

Yunus says, “Come on, let’s appreciate “
Let’s state the tevhid (the phrase of unity), while opportunity is still at hand
Let ‘s deliver many praises (salawats) for his soul,
“O my people!” cries, Muhammed


not sure if composer is "and" in btw.