Alemlere Rahmet Olarak Geldin
Alemlere rahmet olarak geldin
Ümmetine şefaat vaad eyledin
Güzel ahlakı sen itmam eyledin
Salat selam sana yâ Resulallah
Ne büyük şeref sana ümmet olmak
Gösterdiğin doğru yola koyulmak
Kur'an'a sarılmak namaza durmak
Senin öğüdündür yâ Resulallah
Allah'ın birliğine imân ettik
Dilimizle bunu ikrar eyledik
Seni kendimize rehber belledik
Bizlere şahit ol yâ Resulallah
Dinimiz islamdir elhamdulillah
Canımız fedadır fî Sebilullah
Günahlarımız çoktur bi-iştibah
Bizlere şefaat yâ Resulallah
You Came as a Blessing to the Universes
You came as a blessing to the universes
You promised intercession on behalf of your followers
You perfected morality and good character
Praise and greetings to You, oh, Messenger of Allah!
What an honor it is to be part of you ummah,
To set foot on the path that you have set out
To embrace the Qur’an and stand in prayer
As you have willed us to do, oh, Messenger of Allah!
We declared our faith in the Unity of Allah
We reaffirmed it with our tongue
We acknowledged You as our guide
Be our witness, oh, Messenger of Allah!
Our religion is Islam, Praise be to Allah
May our lives be spent for the sake of Allah
Our sins are plenty, no doubt
Be our intercessor, oh, Messenger of Allah!