Lyrics Author:
Ask-i Habib"in
Aşk-ı Habib’in Bizleri Yaksın
Aşkına Mevla’m Gönlümüz Kansın
Narımız Nur Et Gönlümüz Fethet
Bizlere Rahmet Mucizen Olsun
Dinimle İman Virdimdir Kur’an
Canımdır Kurban Yolunda Olsun
Varlığım Sensin Sağlığım Sensin
Kulunum Senin Aşkını Bulsun
Hakk’ın Habib’i Aşkın Tabibi
Yolun Talibi Şifayı Bulsun
Aşkınla Dolan Duruyor Kıyam
Huzurda Her An Dopdolu Olsun
Aşkından Eser Muhibbi’ye Ver
Sermest Olup Ger Viranen Olsun
For the Love of 'The Beloved'
May our hearts bleed for the love of The Beloved' May He burn us
May our burning be a light, May our hearts be conquered,
May your mercy be a miracle for us.
My Faith is My Religion, The Quran is My Life,
May the Sacrifice Be on the Path
You are my existence, You are my health. May my
servant find your love.
May, by the Beloved of God- the Physician of Love,
the Student of the Path Find Healing
May every moment be filled with your love and may the Day of Judgement be full
Give the Essence of Your Love to Muhibbi
Let Him Be Intoxicated and Let Him Be Annihilated