Lyrics Author: 

Zahid Bizi Ta'n Eyleme

Zâhid bizi ta'n eyleme
Hak ismin okur dilimiz
Sakın efsane söyleme
Hazret'e varır yolumuz

Sayılmayız parmağ ile
Tükenmeyiz kırmağ ile
Taşramızdan sormağ ile
Kimse bilmez ahvalimiz

Erenler yolun güderiz
Çekilip Hakk’a gideriz
Gaza-yı ekber ederiz
İmam Ali’dir ulumuz

Erenlerin çoktur yolu
Cümlesine dedik beli
Gören bizi sanır deli
Usludan yeğdir delimiz

Tevhid eden deli olmaz
Allah deyen mahrum kalmaz
Her seher açılır solmaz
Bahara erer gülümüz

Muhyî sana olan himmet
Aşık isen cana minnet
Elif Allah Mim Muhammed
Kisvemizdir dalımız

Oh Righteous Don't Look at Us Askance

Oh righteous don't look at us askance
Our tongues recite the name of Hakk/The Truth
Do not tell tales
Our path leads to Hazret

We are on the path of Halveti
We go straight to The LordTruth
We wage the greater jihad for The LordTruth
Imam Ali is our leader

Whoever enters this Tariqah(Way)
Reaches Hasan al-Basri
Recites his Wird (Litany) at every dawn
Our Pir is Seyyid Yahya

The ways of trueMen are many
We affirmed the truth in all
Let them call us insane
Our insanity is better than quietness

The one who recites the Tevhed (Confession of Unity) doesn't go insane
The one who calls out Allah is not left needy
Our rose does not wilt but opens at every dawn
Our rose makes it to spring

We cannot be counted on your fingers
Killing does not finish us off
Our state is not understood
By asking around about us

Muhyi the Himmet is upon you
if you're a lover - more than welcome
Alef Allah - Min Muhammed
From our dervish-cloak is our branch


3010_Neva_Zahid Bize Tan Eylem_Youtube


Org. Posted Translation:
Strictly orthodox, don't look strangely at us
Our tongues say Truth.
Don't tell tales
Our path goes to Hazret

We follow the Helveti path
We walk to the truth
We wage the greater jihad
Our leader is Imam Ali

Whoever followed this road
has reached Hasan al-Basri
Every dawn his Wird is read
Our Pir is Seyyid Yahya

Ones who know have so many paths
We told them all come to us
Let them call us crazy
Our crazy one is better than their quiet one

Whoever says tevhid won't go mad
Whoever says Allah won't be left alone

Every dawn blooms and never fades
We can't be counted on fingers we don't disappear by braking
by asking where we're from

Our rose reaches spring
nobody will know our state
Muhyi the Himmet is upon you if you're a lover - more than welcome

Alef Allah - Min Muhammed

From our dervish-cloak is our branch
