Lyrics Author:
Zahid Bize Tan Eyle
Zâhid bize ta'neyleme
Hak ismin okur dilmiz
Sakın efsane söyleme
Hazrete varır yolumuz
Halveti yolun güderiz
Çekilir Hakka gideriz
Gazayı ekber ederiz
İmam Ali'dir ulumuz
Her kim bu tarike girdi
Hasan Basri'ye erdi
Her seher okunur virdi
Seyyid Yahya'dır pirimiz
Erenlerin çoktur yolu
Cümlesine dedik beli
Ko desinler bize deli
Usludan yegdir delimiz
Tevhid eden deli olmaz
Allah diyen mahrum kalmaz
Her seher açılır solmaz
Bahara irer gülümüz
Sayılmayız parmak ile
Tükenmeyiz kırmak ile
Taşramızdan sormak ile
Kimse bilmez ahvalimiz
Muhyi sana olan himmet
Âşık isen cana minnet
Elif Allah Mim Muhammed
Kisvemizdendir dalımız
Oh Righteous One , Do Not Condemn Us
Oh righteous , do not condemn us
Our tongue says the name of Hakk (Truth/Lord)
Don’t tell myths about us,
Our path reaches to His Excellency
We are on the path of the Halvetis
We withdraw and go towards the Lord
We make the 'greater struggle'
Our sublime one is Imam Ali (kv)
Whoever entered this path
Has reached Hasan Basri (ks)
Every daybreak his wird* is read
Our Pir is Seyyid Yahya (ks)
The paths of the saints are many
We have accepted all of them
Let them call us crazy
Our crazy is better than the well behaved.
The one who practices Tevhid (unity) can’t be crazy
The one who says “Allah” can’t be destitute
Every daybreak it opens and never fades,
Our rose reaches spring.
We can’t be counted on the fingers
We can’t be annihilated by breaking
Just by asking from our outside
No one can know the state of ours
O Muhyi (ks), the ihsan(grace)is bestowed upon you
If you are a lover, gratitude is by the heart
Elif Allah, Mim Muhammed
Our indication is under our guise.
* Wird is the litany of ayats, hadith and supplications of certain Pirs read periodically each week by the dervish.