Lyrics Author: 

Çün Sana Gönlüm

Çün sana gönlüm müptelâ düştü
Derdi gâm bana âşinâ düştü

Zühd ü takvaya yâr idim evvel
Aşkınile benden hep cüdâ düştü

Vâiz derki bana aşkı terk eyle
Nideyim sabrim bî vefâ düştü

Nice terk etsin aşkı şol âşık
Ana karşı sen mehlikü düştü

Vechini görsem dağılır aklım
Zülfün ana gun muktedâ düştü

Kim seni buldu, kendi yok oldu
Vaslına ey dost can bahâ düştü

Bu Niyazînin hiç vücudunde aman
Zerre komadı hep bekâ düştü

As My Heart (Why is My Heart Addicted to You? )

As my heart became addicted to you,
Grief and sorrow became familiar to me

I was in love with asceticism and God fearing behaviour
With your love, all fell apart from me

The preacher tells me to give up love
Well what can I do, my patience became disloyal

How can this lover abandon love?
Against Him, what is called “you” became perished

When I see your face, my mind gets scattered.
And now, lock of your hair, has become its guide

Whoever found you, his very self has disappeared.
My life became the cost of reuniting with you.

In this Niyazi’s (ks) body,
He hasn’t left even an atom, all became eternal