Lyrics Author:
İlim İlim Bilmektir
İlim ilim bilmektir
İlim kendin bilmektir
Sen kendini bilmezsin
Ya nice okumaktır
Okumanın manası
Kişi Hakk'ı bilmektir
Çün okudun bilmezsin
Ha bir kuru emektir
Okudum bildim deme
Çok taat kıldım deme
Eğer Hak bilmez isen
Bu kuru laf demektir
Dört kitabın manası
Bellidir bir Elif'te
Sen Elif'i bilmezsin
Bu nice okumaktır
Yunus der ki ey hoca
Isterse bin var Hacc'a
Hepisinden iyice
Bir gönüle girmektir
Knowledge is to Truly Know
To know means to gain true knowledge:
Knowledge means you know yourself, heart and soul
If you have failed to understand yourself,
Then all of your reading has been useless
The purpose of reading
Is to recognize Haqq
If you have read, but failed to understand,
Then your efforts were futile
Don't boast, “I read so I know,
and did all my prayers.”
If you didn’t understand that Allah is Ya Haqq
Then your words are empty
The true meaning of the four holy books
Is contained in the letter Alif
You don’t even know the meaning of Alif,
So how can you say you have truly read?
Yunus Emre says to you, Oh preacher
Make the holy pilgrimage a thousand times if you wish
However, even better than that
Is to truly enter someone’s heart.